The shipment of Free Samples provides important information about your:
- Customer service
- Delivery time
- Flexibility in shipping methods
- Quality of your products
- Appearance of your product
- Measure of your generosity
Received samples will be used for the promotion of the product and your company - not for resale
To qualify as a usable samples, you must remember that primary function of these samples is to be promoted by displaying their pictures in the material pages of the Master Index.
The secondary purpose is to promote these materials on the actual knives.
Pictures of the finished knives include links to material suppliers, and each knife is sold with the Certificate of origin, where your materials are listed
Label all samples so they can be properly cataloged (Write in typed letters on a strip of masking tape)
Single knife handle scales are useless and will be discarded without credit.
Other materials:
Sanding belts - size 2" x 72" - 2 each - grit from 36 to 1200 - your own product. Specifications for each type.
Kydex, vulcanized spacer material - 12" x 12" 2 sheets of each.
Unusable scraps of materials (too thin, too small, damaged, or downright ugly to use in the knife construction or embelishment) will also be discarded without credit.
Most knife making materials are fairly cheap to purchase retail, so take into the consideration your raw material cost, and do send sufficient number of items.
Do not waste material and postage on sending inadequate, or crappy samples.
of Wood, or man-made materials:
Sticks, or sheets long or wide enough to make a pair of standard size (3/8" x 1-1/2" x 5") scales - 3/16" minimum thickness.
Hardwood and laminate Blocks standard size: 1" x 1-1/2" x 5" (127 mm long x 37 mm wide x 25 mm thick - or your size as close to this standard)
Bone, Ivory, MOP, Recon stone, Leather, Rawhide, tanned skins of animals or fish, or other miscellaneous materials or products: Contact me to discuss the sizes or sample packages you have available.
Mailing any other types of samples not usable for knife construction is pointless
this web site is developed primarily for knife makers.
At my discretion if you send adequate samples, I may use your good quality pictures of extra products for inclusion on the material pages of the Index.
This will give you more coverage at no additional sample expense.
Samples are expected to be shipped without unreasonable delay.
that means: You should treat this shipment as you would treat any real customer's order which
You would normally ship within a couple of days.
Shipping is a cost that you want to minimize, so consider the additional cost of shipping additional samples if your first handful is not adequate.
Note: This permanent listing is worth up to $250 US so the Value of samples should reflect your appreciation.
It is not set in stone so you can, of course exceed this amount if you feel generous. Either way you cut it you do have a supper deal.

Instructions for Shipping up Samples:
When you are mailing me your free samples for the Supplier Listing, Write into the package contents:
Wood, Bone samples (replace Wood, Bone with what ever types you are sending)
You must give it a value, small like your real manufacturing cost, not a resale price, it is not a sale.
In absence of any entered Value, the contents will be evaluated in real resale value of similar product in Canada
Canadian Customs now charge GST+PST+$5.00 collecting fee even on Gifts evaluated by them to be over $60 Canadian
As the samples have to clear Customs, the clearing company charges me about $35 for doing all necessary paperwork.
Check boxes Gift / Commercial samples. Sign.
There were many confusions about this in the past, and again despite these instruction, so please, do not take it personally:
Figuratively speaking: I am not interested in "purchasing"your samples from third parties (customs brokerage firm) so I can provide listings for your company.
You also cover the cost of shipping, so please, make sure that there is sufficient postage paid.
Never mail your samples up by COD.
If you are shipping your samples in Canada or from USA - Do not mail samples by courier - use the regular mail.
From Overseas, regular AIR MAIL works the best.
Avoid mailing your samples from abroad by Global Express to Canada - they do not deliver your package to the prepaid address destination:
Your package is handed over to a customs brokerage couriers at the border, and held there for ransom of extra $35 handling fee before it is dumped to the Post Office for regular delivery.
From USA use USPS options as mentioned above, plus you can use the following:
World Post Air Mail,
Global Priority Mail, or
Corporate Express
Advise by email what items you have sent and when.