All about Supplier Listing

Direct contact information about your company  will be provided
A link to Your website   will be added to every picture of your samples
Web Site Links Over 100 web pages in all include pages with actual materials, available dimensions, handling and other tips.
The raw materials and product samples supplied by you will be photographed, and images labeled with your company name placed on the Master Index material pages.
Services   valuable to knifemakers include: Knife repairs, refurbishing, sharpening, metal coating/plating, laser/waterjet cutting/carving, specialty casting, metal trademark stamps, machining, blade heat treating etc., Knife arts - engraving, etching, scrimshaw, jewelry and other knife embellishments etc.

I will not be buying any of your products for re-sale, nor do I re-sell any products samples provided for the listing.

Owl line

To all Manufacturers, Suppliers, Distributors and Resellers of materials, or products that can be used for knife making

Plain or exotic, natural or man made - including metals, wood, synthetics, gems, horn, bone, leather, adhesives, sharpening supplies, woods/bone/antler/horn stabilized or stabilization products and preservatives, knife lubricants, fasteners, buffing and polishing wheels and compounds, sanding belts and abrasives, adhesives, tools and equipment, etc.,

Your multiple page business and product Supplier Listing is not free. There are two options available:
1 - if you would rather pay for it in cash - the cost is $350.00 US - remember that if you will be in business 10 years your cost is only $35/year
2 - most preffer this one - your cost is a only a shipment of your real product shipped as "FREE COMMERCIAL SAMPLES"
Compare this with a single text listing in World Business Guide at 995 Euro per every year!! Or a single add in a single issue of Blade Magazine.

The samples of real commercial product, in standard volume, sizes, or pairs (knife scales), will be required in exchange for the listing.

Samples are expected to be shipped without unreasonable delay.
To avoid any misunderstanding, listing will be worked on and activated only upon receiving the approved samples.

Click on the green Shipping Samples Instructions to see what you have to do to ship samples:

Shipping Samples Instructions
Color scans of your received free samples will be properly accredited to you when displayed, with link to your company's contact information or web site.
Be generous - a lots of work goes into listings - it just may pay off by winning the Supplier of the year posting.
Remember - picture is worth a 1000 words, this is to say that it is in your best interest to send as good looking samples as you can. They may be displayed next to your competition samples.
Additional note New samples are required only for the line of your products not yet listed.
Prices will not be listed.

Listings on my web site will be posted indefinitely (except listing in the "Newest 10", or if your links are no longer working)
Your Listing, Links and Information will not cycle out as on FAA and some other web sites.

Listings are indexed in Alphabetical order as it is the world indexing standard.

Your Privacy

  • I will not sell or exchange any of your information to various mailing lists or third parties,
  • My web site does NOT place any cookies on your computer.
  • No garbage SPAM - like "You have subscribed to" junk mail
  • No porn, No pop-ups, No opt-in or Opt-out lists.
  • You are responsible for any change of address and such information to keep your listing current.

If you are looking for a Fast Free Adds, this is NOT the place, and there is no need for you to proceed.
Thank you for your interest

If you agree to the conditions listed above, please proceed to the application form. Thank you for your patience.


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